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August 6, 2009

A lateral view of my right knee via MRI. Unhappy face via me.

My ACL is indeed torn. I’m going into surgery on the 14th of this month.

Now that we got that out of the way…

First off I’d like to thank Caleb and Dan for their tireless effort and everything they do for the jiu-jitsu community. Most especially to Caleb, he is a personal inspiration to me that despite being sidelined by his injury and his surgeries – he has not let that be a hindrance in preventing him from remaining an active member of the BJJ family, ever supportive to the Mighty 600,000.

I’m also very grateful for Caleb’s interview with Danny Dring. No stranger to injuries, Danny Dring overcame major hip surgery to continue practicing the various martial arts he has attained black belt in, including BJJ. After listening to it recently for a second time, it is a particular episode of the Fightworks Podcast that has strongly hit home with me. I found it to be very insightful, encouraging and extremely helpful.

In the episode Danny Dring addresses many issues, most of which I knew very little about; finding the right doctor, dealing with our athletic mindset, rehab and the much looked over prehab aspect of injury treatment. I was also pleased to hear (but reminded of how clueless I was previous to my three-peat injury) that Danny’s recovery time to reach the same level of performance he had before took years to achieve.

I did so many things wrong and even when the interview was originally launched I paid no particular attention the first time I listened to it as I thought I was on the mend.

I highly recommend anyone with an injury – however minor or serious – to head on over to the Fightworks Podcast and listen to it.

Caleb can be reached at The Fightworks Podcast and on Twitter.

Danny can be reached at his site Living Defense and he has a book on injuries and recovery coming out entitled Stay in the Fight.

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